Yes, this is an entry dedicated to this word, which is how i feel everyday now.
Feeling emo, forgive me.
10/19/2007 02:09:00 AM
When i was younger, the meanings of these words were as follows:
bitch - a female dog
blow - wind from mouth, being in motion
cock - a male chicken
dick - a male name
erect - to build
gay - happy
get wet - get drenched
hard on - tough on
pussy - a cat
Ahh the age of innocence.
10/19/2007 01:04:00 AM
You know how adults always tell kids "you're too young for this" and "wait till you're older"? And how kids are protected by all these laws against minors etc etc? Doesn't it make you wonder sometimes, why adults are allowed to do some things, and kids aren't?
Think about it. Why should a person be allowed to drink, smoke, fuck and stay out late just because he's over a certain age? Do people above 18 NOT get lung problems caused by tobacco? Would I NOT get STDs just because i'm over 16? The fact is, people will get affected by these habits whether they're 14 or 41.
They always say that "when you're old enough, you'll understand." Do we? Do we really? So that 50-yr-old ah pek fucking those girls in Geylang knows exactly what he's doing? The drunk girl sleeping around after parties knows too? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Age is just a number. It is not a measure of maturity. You think that so-called adults at 21 years old know what they're doing and the consequences? Just because some one turns 16 doesn't mean he's ready to fuck. Likewise, just because some one is 14 doesn't mean he's not ready. Why should 'adults' be allowed to do all these things that 'kids' aren't? Just because we're older?
What I'm basically trying to drive at is, I don't understand why in our society, when you've passed a certain age, some things become acceptable. Those so-called adult activities. Isn't prostitution just as bad whatever age you're at? So why are underaged girls protected but not older women?
The argument is that adults are older, more mature and therefore know what they are doing and should be held responsible for their own actions. Like I mentioned earlier, do we really know the consequences of our actions? Probably not. Most people are probably just waiting to pass that age, where they can finally drink/smoke/fuck legally.
We're all just little children, itching to taste the forbidden fruit. And yes, it tastes good, doesn't it?
10/16/2007 08:12:00 PM
Today is
one of the most fucking unproductive day since i ORD-ed. I didn't study, didn't start on my assignments, didn't run, didn't exercise, didn't blog on anything constructive, didn't read up on any books, didn't head down to the driving centre, didn't do anything at all. I only wasted my time sleeping and trying to recover from my flu. All because of some stupid M&Ms. Fucking hell. This is the kind of day that I told myself never ever to have because after wasting a full 2 years in army, I have no more time to waste.
I'm off to bed. It sucks being sick. Fuck.
10/15/2007 09:40:00 PM
Ok I really should be doing my PR essay now instead, but as you can see, it's afternoon and I have really no inspiration and motivation to churn out my work. Last minute work always brings out the best in me. At least, that's what I'd like to believe.
But that's another story. Today I'd like to say why I like to take quotes from various sources such as books and magazine articles. I know that a lot of people think it's a hassle and hate to reference. But I beg to differ. There're so many good things about referencing that I don't even know where to start.
1. It makes your essay look more professional. If you say something like "I think PR is very important in today's society" compared to "Adah Slaniod, one of the founding fathers of PR, claimed that 'PR is essential in today's business world' (Slanoid, 1975)". Which one looks more credible to you? I would definitely say the latter. The more quotes and references you have, the more books you (seemed) to have read, and the more credible the essay will be.
2. Eliminates the need to think and analyse so much. Sometimes when I'm really brain dead from all that dry readings and material, I just throw in a block quote or two, and leave the lecturer to decide for himself what the block quote means. Just throw in a simple 'So what does this tell us? The author will leave the reader to decide for himself' after the quote. It makes you look unbiased and professional in letting the reader reach his own conclusions, but actually you're just lazy.
3. Saves your time and effort. It's legalized copying! Basically you're copying someone else's work (saves your time), and adding credibility to your essay at the same time!
4.More words! Adding in citations, references etc sometimes will add to that dreaded word limit that a lot of people have trouble getting to.
Yes the bibliographies are a bitch to fill in. But hey, that's a small price to pay for all that copying you're doing, no?
Labels: PR, quotes, referencing
10/10/2007 02:06:00 PM
Just a random thought of the day:
You know you're old when teenagers weren't born in the 80s anymore. The glorious 80s.
Labels: 80s
10/09/2007 11:28:00 PM
Have you ever wondered when this phenomenon of not leaving spaces between words come about? It's quite silly actually, don't you think? Especially when there aren't even capital letters anymore. But if you think about, everybody does that nowadays. Teenagers, adults, working professionals and even teachers. Yes, teachers also don't give a fuck anymore. Grammar, punctuation and standard English, please make way for technology.
Think about it. With the internet becoming so much of a part of our lives these days (some teenagers might even say that it
is their life), it's no wonder that kids these days see their standard of English drop dramatically. When you send an email, it is now perfectly acceptable to use all letters in lower casing, for e.g You all know my name is Edward Sam, with capital letters for the 'E' and the 'S' but when it comes to email addresses, every name and word is melted down and mashed into a bastardization version of the original phrase. In fact, did u know that email is actually short for electronic mail, and the very popular @ (now pronounced 'at') is actually a symbol for Alias (yes the name of the show starring the very hot Jennifer Gardner), and is used for people with two names. It has roughly the same meaning as aka (also known as). For e.g, James Tan may be a converted Muslim and so he would have his original name and a Muslim name so his name could be James Tan@ Farhan, or something along that line.
And of course don't forget websites. Take a look at this very website. Of course the proper way of typing it would be 'My rantings and opinions' but somehow web addresses don't allow you to do that and so for every website you go to with more than two words in it, you gotta mergeitassuchandifthewebsitenameislongitlooksdamndumb. Like the immensely popular What the hell is myspace? It does mean 'My Space' right? Why join the words? As I've mentioned, we
all have to make way for technology.
When I get older one day, I seriously would not be surprised to see kidstypinlikethatbecausethatshowtheydoitonthecomputerwhichistheonlythingtheyusetowriteanymorebecausetherewouldnolongerbepapertowriteon.
Okay, I don't expect anyone to get that sentence even though it does make sense. With the prevalence of text messaging these days and trying to squeeze everything you wanna say in those 160 characters, Wt 2 do? try 2 shrten lor n tk out as mny vowel as pssbl. cuz we no nd vowel 2 undrstnd msg oso. Effective communication you say? Perhaps. Who am I to argue against the massive power of the internet?
Ignore me, I'm just an old fogey. But I believe that the maggi mee generation of today (which includes me, unfortunately), have to put in extra effort to retain what little writing and linguistic abilities they have left.
I don't have much left. Hence this blog to improve my writing. However it's ironic because everytime I read my blog I have to typelikethis.
Oh well. I shall write a more light hearted entry the next time round.
10/04/2007 08:29:00 PM
Warning: This entry contains explicit content and images which may induce nausea and vomitting. Please proceed with caution.
With that out of the way, I can start my disgusting rant about toilet bowls. No, not all toilet bowls, but just the auto flush ones. I mean, hello?! I have two fully functional hands, I don't need help in flushing the damn toilet you know?
You may think that I'm being ridiculous, it's just for hygenic purposes now isn't it? What if some inconsiderate prick feels like letting the whole world share his 'spoils'? Won't it stink up the toilet and cause discomfort, distress and trauma to the other toilet users? Well I say, a very big FUCK YOU to these non-toilet-bowl-flushing assholes! It's because of you some smartass decided to invent auto flushing!
Now we get to the fun part. Why the hell am i so pissed off with auto flushing? What is my problem? Am I mad? (Before you read any further let me warn you that I'll be going into rather detailed descriptions of shitting, so please, brace yourself.) No I'm not crazy, it's just my shitting habits don't really go well with this auto flush system. I'm sure all of you have seen the auto flush detector, it's somewhere located above the toilet bowl seat. If you don't know, here's an example:

In case you are wondering how an auto flush detector works, allow me to enlighten you. Firstly, it detects an object in front of it, and so the red light will be activated for a few seconds, let's say 5. After said number of seconds, the red light will start to blink, indicating that once the object moves away, it will start to flush. Easy enough, yes?
The problem is, the damn thing is located ABOVE the fucking toilet seat. As people who know me will know, I'm not very tall. So when I'm shitting, the bloody censor can probably hardly 'detect' my presence. That's bad enough. Worse, my habit of shitting is to lean forward to force my 'stuff' out. You know, with my whole upper body arched forward and giving an 'ugggghhhh' sound. As you may guess, this process would take much more than a mere 5 seconds. And so often, during this period of forcing out, i'll hear the damn flush go off. Clearing out my shit. With my ass just above it. With water splashing around. I know asses aren't very clean to begin with but I'd like to keep it as clean as possible thank you very much.
Another thing is that I like to throw some toilet paper into the toilet bowl before commencing, so that any impact on the water would be lessened, due to a interference between the water and the 'excrement', resulting in less water being splashed, and onto my ass. Can you imagine water mixed with 'the brown stuff' being splashed onto your ass? So as you can infer, when the damn flush automatically activates and flushes down my paper, the force between the 'droppings' and the water is now direct, and now the 'brown-toilet-bowl-water-mixture' will splash directly up my ass. And that is the main thing I'm pissed off about!! I like to keep my ass clean!
So please, toilet operators on this country, hear my plea. Bring back the regular toilet bowl hand-operated flushes, and save my ass. Thank you!
10/03/2007 12:43:00 AM
is now being taken away from me every time I ride a bus. Woopee. Bus fare increases today, on children's day. How apt. Oh well, let's see when the next bus fare hike comes around again, I'm sure we'll have a ball of a time!
Agent Smith : "
It is... inevitable."
10/02/2007 02:01:00 AM