Okay this blog started off as a fun blog to rant on random 'wtf' and 'simi lan jiao' moments but i kinda lost my direction and gone off quite a bit. Blame it on school work, assignments, problems with all my electronics (at the same time, and still not completely resolved urgh), and my constant tendency to succumb to flu.
I suddenly realise that being human beings, we are never satsified. I'm sure most people have heard of the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. I live in a comfortable house, no major financial difficulties, no family problems, no health issues (ok maybe being fat), but still I'm not satisfied. I'm pissed that my macbook is not perfect as i envisioned it to be, I'm pissed that my N73 is hanging on me, I'm pissed that my fujifilm Z5 has problems also.
But is there really any reason to be so pissed? I'm not starving, I'm not worried where my next meal's coming from, I've got a bed to sleep on. I guess it really depends on your current comfort level and environment. If I were sleeping on the streets, give me a chicken drumstick over the latest iPhone anytime. If i were stranded on a island, give me a box of matches over the most kick ass Blackberry man. Priorities change according to one's circumstances.
Being a human being, means never being satisfied with one's being. Me? I'm just a human.
12/07/2007 06:46:00 PM